On the back of Am I Blue or Not?, flooble brings you a somwhat more interesting (and - hopefully - less stupid) page: ColorCombos.

This is your chance to display your taste in colors (or if you have none, to benefit from someone else's). The page lets you pick and rate color combinations. Match up two colors that you thing would go well together, and see how they look. Rate the "combo" and then come back to see what others thoght of it.

Look at the top combinations, as well as the bottom ones. See what people vote for most. If you have a web page, you can put your favorite combo up on it for your visitors to rate how well coordinated it is.

(Gimme A Random Combo!)

Top 20 color combinations (by Score) (Back to rating):
  Color 1   Color 2 Score Votes
1 4chan
/b/ 4294967295 1
2 deadbf
asdfjkl 1431655765 3
3 #a0df00
#deadbf 195225786.13636 22
4 #0EBA72
#1CAFD4 10 1
5 #040327
#45B5d0 10 1
6 #76A3F3
#66cc98 10 1
7 #82592D
#EB62D4 10 1
8 #5CB7E5
#91F518 10 2
9 #85C988
#ED6D9E 10 5
10 #764901
#789BEA 10 1
11 #cccc99
#AA5A70 10 4
12 000000
BFBF40 10 1
13 ashley
faulkne 10 1
14 #EC30BF
#36F645 10 2
15 #2662A5
#SD153A 10 1
16 #1B051A
#F13A35 10 1
17 #040D1B
#89BC40 10 1
18 #A0FD08
#7F4694 10 1
19 #
#ffd700 10 1
20 #1D99DD
#2BB1AF 10 1

Show existing combos
Show possible combos

Play along, add your color:
Total of 18508 Colors.
Total of 3388 Combinations.
Total of 64689 Votes.
Top 20 combos
Bottom 20 combos
20 most voted on
20 least voted on

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